Tribulus is widely known for its use as an aphrodisiac in traditional medicine. One study performed with Tribulus and elite Rugby players showed that Tribulus "significantly increased strength and fat-free mass." {5}
Used for centuries to promote heart health, Hawthorn is included to maintain healthy circulation.
Cissus Quadrangularis:
Supports antioxidant function via increased free radical scavenging capacity and reduced inflammatory cytokines.
supports immune health, cardiovascular health, and increased testosterone.
Zinc is an essential mineral that supports immune function, skin health, and cognitive function. Zinc also supports cognitive function By supporting these functions, zinc contributes to overall energy levels, sexual function, and exercise performance.

Tongkat Ali:
Potent boosting effects on male sex hormones. Specifically, it can enhance performance by targeting the oxidative stress in the smooth muscle, boosting your sex hormones and nitric oxide levels at the same time. Many men and women are happy to report a pleasurable boost in libido, performance and orgasm intensity after taking Tongkat Ali.
Horny Goat Weed:
a powerful herb that supports increased sexual drive, reduced progression of atherosclerosis, increased nitric oxide levels, and reduced arterial (blood vessel) inflammation levels.
Saw Palmetto:
Saw palmetto works by stopping the breakdown of testosterone into its byproduct, dihydrotestosterone. This byproduct helps the body hold on to more of its testosterone and create less dihydrotestosterone, which can slow or stop the growth of the prostate gland. In men, sperm production is guided by testosterone. Too little testosterone results in low sperm count.
Magnesium helps improve exercise performance, reduce cortisol levels, and increase nitric oxide production.